Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another prize came…..from Cookie Fairy!!!

I know there’s Santa Claus. I know there’s unicorn. But I didn’t know there was Cookie Fairy. I’ve never heard of her before! (I heard of cookie monster though) But apparently she does exist, because my last prize came and it’s from none other than Cookie Fairy herself!


huh? Cookie fairy?      


You mean this is from..…Cookie Fairy?        


Smells like…………………………..heaven!


I know there’s more inside the box! Take them out already!

The smell was so good it even stirred my sister from her nap. And she doesn’t even like cookies. She doesn’t. Nope. She hates them.

nom nom nom (please ignore the pink shreds on top of my head)

yum yum yum

No teasing please.

Keep’em coming!


I was so happy I indulged mom a little.

Ok Ok you can give her a few. Just a few.


My sister loves the doggie chocolate cake.

For those who are yet to be enlightened, Cookie Fairy goes by the name Laineys Pawtique. She’s got Etsy store too. She lives with Lainey & Chloe and they do exclusive cookie taste testing for her.    (I want that job!) They got their own blog too.

Everybody should go try her cookies & cakes. They’re sooooo good! Maybe your mama will get you some of her scrumptious cookies if you’re good. Or you can just start tweeting. So many good things happened since I did. Look at all the prizes I won! I love Twitter!

             Not only yummiest but prettiest cookies I’ve ever seen!


Oh and my barkhunt prize arrived too.  Escape to Chimp Eden Season 1. And there was a totally unexpected extra bonus!!!


Thanks Spike! Thanks Animal Planet! You made mama so happy.     Everybody go check out Ask Spike online and subscribe now. :)


  1. Wows!! You got lotsssa pwizes! Yous a lucky doggie!! I got a box in the mail yesterday that had puppy pinatas in them. Mom's gonna give some away as prizes at the next Pawty. Theys pawsome. Woofs

  2. Oh man! Nice haul, Lou! Totally dig the cookies and the vid -- makin' me want to chill out with some greenies, Guinness, and DVDs.

  3. AWWWW thanks so much. I wish Lou and Pebbles liked the cookies tho!!! Thanks for showing all the videos they were so cute!! I was giggling like a little girl puppy hehe. Hope you dont get a tummy ache from all those cookies. PuggleLicious Hugs from Me xoxo :0)

  4. Holy many cookies did your mama let you eat in one sitting, Lou?! I'm so happy that you got to try Lainey's cookies. And you're so sweet to share with Pebbles.


    p.s. thanks for mentioning my unofficial nickname - cookie monster. ;)

  5. Wow dood, dats a lawt of gud stuff u gots der. con-cats on dat pwizes an all da gud nom noms!!! youse lucky dawg! (an cute 2!)

  6. OMC! The cookie fairy cames to you too! You is one lucky woofie. I am glads you likes the cookies and good stuff you gots! I wuvs you Lou!

  7. Where do I sign up to get cookies? Also, is there a place to sign up to get bully sticks? 'Cause I am out of those, and that is a real bummer.

    You are one lucky dude!

  8. Don't let word of that cookie fairy get out - our dogs will lose their marbles! Glad to see time spent on Twitter is paying off as well, it's a lot of fun...

  9. Woof! You are sure a lucky dog ... cookies from the Cookie Fairy - will ask my mom to check it out. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
